четверг, 10 февраля 2011 г.

Jaguar - SAWS 2009: Kers mechanics steal of Torotrak, which probably comes to the next xj-Jaguar

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  • SAWS 2009: Kers mechanics steal of Torotrak, which probably comes to the next xj-Jaguar
    Under classifies: The hybrid, Jaguar, Land Rover, CongressAdding World of SAE an electric motor and a battery at a vehicle is fair in very different kind of creating a hybrid. We saw the hydraulic hybrids, which are examined in a set of uses of commercial motor vehicles. Torotrak has completely different mechanical system based on steering wheels. The system of Torotrak is come the first time at our attention it gives two, or three years, when it ENTRUSTED, suggested, permitting systems of kinetic energy re-establishment on formula motor vehicles 1. Later at least two teams permitted F1 to the system of Torotrak for the use, but none is raw itself it to really use in this time. The steering wheel system has some advantages regarding the electrical hybrid systems, including the costs, the weight and the size. It has delimitations likewise. The system must be put up in the physical proximity of the drive material considering the necessary mechanical connections. Clearly he cannot be likewise adapted to those embrochables possibilities. However leading Chris Greenwood of the technology said those to the congress of the SAE world ABG of Torotrak that several BRITISH societies examine momentarily the hybrid steering wheel system in applications, into research programs government setting road going. Under those the Jaguar is Rover earth. They read further after the leap. Continue the reading SAE 2009: Steal kers mechanics of Torotrak, which probably comes to the next Jaguar XJSAE 2009: The mechanical steering wheel KERS von Torotrak, who probably comes to the next xj-Jaguar, appeared at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Fri, 24 April 2009 17:09: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

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