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Jaguar Jaguar Cars auto news рекомендовать друзьям >> |
- Rumormill: The Jaguar, which works on the hybrid for 2013, the beginning set mpg 55 on for a goal
Classé dessous : Hybride, jaguar, vert quotidien Puisque nous nous rendons déjà compte que Land Rover travaille à quelques produits hybrides pour le futur proche, il semble seulement allant que le jaguar se joindrait dedans aussi. Le rapport du magasin dont le siège est en Grande-Bretagne de voiture réclame que le jaguar aura une voiture hybride-électrique prête pour le début d'ici 2013. La voiture ajoute que le véhicule sera actionné par un turbodiesel V6 de 3.0 litres qui est joint par un moteur électrique et relié à une transmission automatique de huit-vitesse. Selon le rapport, on s'attend à ce que le powertrain hybride commandera une prime environ de $15.000 (les États-Unis) au-dessus des centrales électriques traditionnelles et soit disponible sur le XJ et le XF d'abord, suivi du reste de la ligne de jaguar plus tard. Pour confirmer le rapport, le conseiller vert de voiture a entré en contact avec le jaguar et la compagnie a répondu déclarant que les réclamations sont « spéculation » mais a admis que cela avait activement fonctionné avec trois autres compagnies sur un powertrain hybride avec des espoirs d'un produit fini capable de réaliser plus de 55 milles par gallon tout en également maintenant image la « de la meilleure qualité » de la marque. Nous avons la raison de croire que le rapport du magasin de voiture est précis et suspect que le jaguar viendra en avant avec une annonce formelle bientôt, mais pour maintenant nous devra garder une étiquette de rumeur sur celle-ci. La photo a près dessiné Phillips/copyright (C) Weblogs 2010, Inc. [Source : Voiture par l'intermédiaire de conseiller vert de voiture] Rumormill : Le jaguar travaillant à l'hybride pour 2013 le début, ensemble de cible au mpg 55 est à l'origine apparu sur le vert d'Autoblog lundi, 17 mai 2010 08:56 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Read  ; |  ; Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; CommentairesПереслать - Report: Xf-Jaguar, around the Diesel at four cylinders, emissions from CO2 from 150 g/km to receive under
Under classifies: Diesel, Jaguar The lives of the xf-Jaguar in the very competitive segment beside BMW 5 series, E-Classes-class and AUDI A6 von Mercedes-Benz. Each of the three of the offer these motor vehicles does not make something Jaguar: a diesel engine at four cylinders. It is a strange situation, there 80 - one hundred of each of sales of 5 series are the 520dmodell at four cylinders on the domestic market of the Jaguar at the VK. That position views set, in order to change this case, if the XF will receive the Diesel in line four from 2.2 litres Land Rover Freelander. The Jaguar changes momentarily the engine, which was planned for the diagonal carrier in Freelander to put up full length in the XF. One expects oneself that the Diesel with an automatic transmission with decree/automatic operational sequence is connected. This configuration would have the emissions of CO2 of the XF under 150 g/km received (like the new Lotos selects!). Unfortunately we can see little this model on the market of the United States. [Source: Higher speed report]: The xf-Jaguar, around which Diesel at four cylinders is too received, emissions from CO2 from 150 g/km under at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Fri appeared, 9 April 2010 16:50: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Rover jaguar earth, which purchases for hybrid engineers makes
Under classifies: Hybrid one, Jaguar, Land Rover The Jaguar 2010 XF over-nourished - above clicking for the gallery of the picture high research Up to now excluded two or three vehicles from concepts and from attempt, the Jaguar and Land Rover did not make large case of an unevenness in the area of the vehicle electrification. Require new kinds of the technology appraisal, the kind, which had JLR entrance too much, add the electrical control to a vehicle, when the societies belonged to the family of Ford. Now that the indications of the best quality belong, search British to the engines of felt from India the propagandists at Coventry additional assistance. JLR looks at, in order to obligate 50 new engineers with the appraisal in the hybrid order, élém. élect. and the software exactly the same as infotainmentsysteme. JLR takes already 45 apprentices and frais dehors de école 80 machine this year and looks for more experience with the last series of recruits. If you are aidable, in order to work on the VK, the work signallings examine here. Gallery: Magazine: The Jaguar 2010 XF over-nourished [Source: The Jaguar] the Jaguar Rover earth of the reading continues, which purchases for the hybrid engineersJaguar earth Rover makes, which makes purchases for hybrid engineers, is at the beginning appeared on the green from Autoblog Wed, 3 March 2010 08:00: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - The Jaguar Rover earth attached the association with small carbon content of the vehicle
Under classifies: Jaguar, Land Rover The Jaguar Rover earth upward a new association with small carbon content of the vehicle followed, in order to look for and examine concepts, in order to cut the fuel consumption. £ 29 million project by the motor vehicle technical designer, six business partner, advantage companies west Midlands and the European fund for regional development is set. Schlüsseleines of the elements effectiveness will improve those the electronic administration powertrain and vehicle dynamics to improve. The goal will consist of optimizing these systems to slip in order to reduce the losses on a Höchtsmaß, which come, if the vehicle starts or turn the wheels. These same systems are likewise integrated in functions as the adaptative order for cruise. With appropriate programming the adaptative order for cruise can adapt the space distances for miminize the deceleration and acceleration and, presto, in order to support the niedrigereren fuel consumption. [Source: ] The Jaguar Rover earth of the reading sets the Jaguar Rover earth away the partnershipJaguar earth with small Rover carbon content of attached vehicle the association with small carbon content of the vehicle is attached at the beginning, which appeared on the green of Autoblog Wed, 24 February 2010 11:03: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Report: The Jaguar builds the vehicle all-electrically the attempt XJ
Classé dessous : EV/Plug-in, hybride, jaguar, Land Rover, R-U Jaguar 2011 XJ - clic ci-dessus pour la galerie de l'image haut-recherche Selon l'autocar au R-U, le jaguar Land Rover est encore dur au travail sur des véhicules d'hybride de série. Semblable à la position General Motors a pris avec 2011 volt de Chevrolet, jaguar croit que la seule vraie manière que des véhicules électriques peuvent être rendus compatibles avec la vie quotidienne est d'ajouter un petit moteur à moteur à essence de gamme-élargissement qui est capable de maintenir les batteries chargées sur l'aller. À la différence du GM, bien que, le jaguar ait vu l'ajustement pour contracter son petit moteur établissez au lotus, qui semble raisonnable donné les deux spécialités différentes du produit de la compagnie britannique. Le lotus a censément livré un moteur de trois-cylindre de 1.2 litre qui développe 35 kilowatts de puissance, qui est portée - avec une peu d'aide d'une concession BRITANNIQUE ou de deux de gouvernement - à l'intérieur d'une nouvelle berline de 2011 XJ avec un paquet de batterie d'ion de lithium. La force motrice vient courtoisie de quel autocar croit est un moteur électrique de 145 kilowatts (194 puissances en chevaux) avec 295 livre-pieds de couple. Les spécifications de performances semblent assez bonnes - cependant pas aussi impressionnant que nous pourrions avoir imaginé - assumant toute la ceci est précise, avec une gamme de 600 milles d'économie du combustible combinée de 47 milles par gallon (57 mpg R-U) et émission de carbone des 120 grammes au-dessous de par kilomètre. La vitesse supérieure entrerait censément à 112 Miles par heure. Une source anonyme au jaguar indique à autocar que le XJ électrique manipule tout à fait bien « en raison du volume qui est enlevé de la voiture quand vous dépouillez dehors la boîte de vitesse conventionnelle. » De futurs modèles de Range Rover sont également répandus pour obtenir une boîte de vitesse semblable. [Source : Rapport d'autocar] : Le jaguar construit le véhicule tout-électrique d'essai de XJ est à l'origine apparu sur le vert d'Autoblog Thu, 4 février 2010 11:58 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Read  ; |  ; Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; CommentairesПереслать - View of the informer of the green hybrid concept of series of „bricks from the Jaguar roughly "
Under classifies: EV/Plug in, hybrids, Jaguar LotusFor the past Jaguar von Jahr Lotos, vehicle technologies of Caparo and the test site of MIRA had roughly brick-green worked on one, which was doubled by project, which was set by BRITISH government. The goal of the project was to develop and build a hybrid luxury promotion car from series to. In former times this week showed Jaguar far at the motor vehicle for the first time. The majority of the work powertrainentwicklung was accomplished, some the latter xj-generation, but recently the whole material uses, gone in 2010 XJ just. As volts of Chevy and karma of Fisker, the roughly brick-green uses an electric motor for the drive in this case of the 145 kilowatts of unit 295 livre pi. A package battery at the lithium shifts motor vehicle 30 miles on a load, and then the unit for plumb bob-OS-developed range range from 1.2 follows litre for the remainder of the range from 600 miles. We came into contact with the Jaguar for more information, but we always wait, in order to hear backwards from them to. Meanwhile the touring bus communicates that the large point at 47 receives mpg (the United States) on that European Union with CO2-Emissionen under 120 g/km combined cycle. [Source: The view of the informer of the touring bus] of the hybrid concept "of the Greens series of „bricks 2009 10:16 from the Jaguar at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Fri appeared raw, 11 September: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Ratan felt: All future Jaguare and Vagabunde of earth, in order to cover the aluminum construction
Under classifies: Hybrid one, Jaguar, Land Rover more easily Jaguar 2010 XJ - above clicking for the gallery of the picture high research The Jaguar had spied the aluminum-intensive construction of its Förderwagens XJ, since the model precedent generation backwards in the year 2003 was presented. In accordance with the motor vehicle technical designer the employment of aluminum can lead instead of the steel to an impressing reduction of 40 - one hundred of weights. That is bound to lead in order to have positive effects on the dynamics, the execution and the effectiveness. With their last conception the jaguar complaints their aluminum architecture to have improved still other one is so it not amazing that the society of plans has, in order to extend the technology at the remainder their line. After Ratan, felt the president of the society, which Rover Jaguar possesses the country now „JLR plans to have all its future motor vehicles which were built with the light bodies from aluminum, which have considerable saving in the weight and reduction of the CO2-Emissionen for result. " In order with the recently discovered reduction of the weight to go is the countries Rover Jaguar well-known to experiment with the hybrid powertrains. A kinetic system of the energy re-establishment can be in the maps for the line XJ in 2011, while Land Rover had worked on an electrical rear axle control, the beginning in the LRX could next arranges Rover closely. [Source: Shop of the engine E] Ratan felt: All future Jaguare and Vagabunde of earth, around which are to be covered aluminum construction at the beginning appeared on the green from Autoblog Fri, 31 July 2009 08:07: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - VIDEO: The Jaguar inspires the honour of aluminum
Under classifies: New technologies, MPG, Jaguar more easily Jaguar 2010 XJ - above clicking, in order to look at the video after the leap The Jaguar was long time partisans of the aluminum construction for motor vehicles. Indeed the XJ of the present generation an aluminum-intensive framework, which is bound by loads of Epoxyd and more than 3,000 rivets, uses itself that the supports permitted by the large started to realise a saving of a weight from 40 to - one hundred over a worked on similar framework of the steel. In accordance with the British motor vehicle technical designer the next XJ will cover a framework, which is fair as sharpening and easily. Which is the affair with aluminum and the easy weight? Improved only itself the execution of the motor vehicle (acceleration, which handle and brakes), while the weight falls, do not report in such a way their of yield of the fuel and emissions. In addition the Jaguar indicates its innovative seizure of the structure less than the energy, in order to create and is easily re-usable, if the time finally comes, in order to take the vehicle away of the road. The new leap cat will receive its formal introduction on 9 July. Meanwhile strikes the leap, in order to observe a video, where two or three jaguar employees inspire the honours of aluminum. [Source: The Jaguar] continue the READING VIDEO: The Jaguar inspires the honour aluminumVIDEO: The Jaguar inspires the honour of aluminum at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Sun appeared, 28 June 2009 08:26: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Returned speculation: Jaguar, which works on the electrical roadster on expanded Xe-consequence?
Under classifies: been EV/Plug in, hybrid, JaguarWe' VE hearing spreads for at least the last months, which the Jaguar worked on a new electrical vehicle on expanded consequence. Until today had we us us expected that environmentalcareful material in next revision XJ British indication appears, but new report engine tendency gives this Ratan to felt, head Indian society, which possesses the Jaguar, place its weight behind new roadster of two-seat, which probable admits would be, because XE.If there is any truth to this rumors, which new XE uses Chevy Volt-als the electrical powertrain at capable expanded connecting consequence, which consists of an engine to petrol engine of small three-cylinder, which leads a generator, around the again-made batteries on board to maintain the full. The new XE beginning censément at the salon of the motor vehicle of Geneva in the year 2011 and production was decided after judgement of the success of others obviously the Greens of vehicles, which injured the market before the exhibition. Additionally to the model EV the XE would cover likewise the latter 5,0 litres of V8 of the Jaguar under standard and over-nourished appearance. [Source: Returned speculation of the engine tendency]: Jaguar, which works on the electrical roadster on expanded Xe-consequence? at the beginning appeared on the green from Autoblog Sat 13 June 2009 11:26: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - SAE 2009: Steal kers mechanics of Torotrak, which probably comes to the next xj-Jaguar
Under classifies: The hybrid, Jaguar, Land Rover, CongressAdding World of SAE an electric motor and a battery at a vehicle is fair in very different kind of creating a hybrid. We saw the hydraulic hybrids, which are examined in a set of uses of commercial motor vehicles. Torotrak has completely different mechanical system based on steering wheels. The system of Torotrak is come the first time at our attention it gives two, or three years, when it ENTRUSTED, suggested, permitting systems of kinetic energy re-establishment on formula motor vehicles 1. Later at least two teams permitted F1 to the system of Torotrak for the use, but none is raw itself it to really use in this time. The steering wheel system has some advantages regarding the electrical hybrid systems, including the costs, the weight and the size. It has delimitations likewise. The system must be put up in the physical proximity of the drive material considering the necessary mechanical connections. Clearly he cannot be likewise adapted to those embrochables possibilities. However leading Chris Greenwood of the technology said those to the congress of the SAE world ABG of Torotrak that several BRITISH societies examine momentarily the hybrid steering wheel system in applications, into research programs government setting road going. Under those the Jaguar is Rover earth. They read further after the leap. Continue the reading SAE 2009: Steal kers mechanics of Torotrak, which probably comes to the next Jaguar XJSAE 2009: The mechanical steering wheel KERS von Torotrak, who probably comes to the next xj-Jaguar, appeared at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Fri, 24 April 2009 17:09: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Mystery of jaguar release first again XJ
Under classifies: The Diesel, EV/Plug in JaguarA it on the week we heard there that the Jaguar will add a embrochable hybrid powertrainversion (or electrical device of extended range if it your choice name is) to 2011 XJ. Before produces itself, although the Jaguar releases standard designs from powertrain the XJ all in July, and the society just now a pulled mystery of this motor vehicle freed, which shows far at the panoramischen roof from glass. XJ of this yearly will use itself, which the Jaguar calls the engine „ultra effective gasoline of GENE III "; a Diesel V6 will be likewise available. The XJ will likewise be the first Jaguar, in order to use itself a body aluminum architecture. If you like the view, but the seizure not to be waiting not to want, will take the Jaguar your instruction, which begins on 9 July, if the vehicle in London is revealed; the supplies will begin on some markets end 2009. It is likewise, if the full are announced powertrain and prices. [Source: The Jaguar] sets mystery of release of reading jaguars away first of the new Jaguar XJ first that release mystery is again XJ at the beginning, which appeared on the green from Autoblog Monday, 20 April 2009 13:31: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Jaguar, in order to set up again the extended version of gamme EV to XJ in the year 2011
Under classifies: EV/Plug in, hybrid, jaguar jaguar plans obviously to attack the head above Streber of karma of Fisker into two or three years with an electrical version of extended range of the XJ all nine. The XJ completely improved must in the year 2010 with a smaller view, was derived that of the XF to arrive strong. After year the Indian possessed British luxury manufacturer a embrochable version with 30 miles of only electrical range would bring in, which would have to help the large motor vehicle, around at 47 to receive mpg (US) and an evaluation of emissions of CO2 of less than 120 g/km. The Jaguar can now present this new model, which it for a new loan European Union for the motor vehicles approved of greener it involutes. The Jaguar has already an advantage regarding some of its competitors, because the XJ is normally komparativ easy owing to its aluminum construction. The technology and Caparo of the Lotoszgpz help the Jaguar with the development powertrain of ER-EV. In addition the Jaguar and Land Rover develop likewise micro hybrid, full parallel hybrids smaller diesel engines and with property extended gas engines more weight reductions for the full line. [Source: Touring bus jaguar] around the extended version of gamme EV XJ in the year 2011 to set up again at the beginning, which appeared on the green of Autoblog Sun, 12 April 2009 12:49: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Jaguar, which works on the hybrid kers system
Under classifies: The new technologies hybridize, the Jaguar, Fahrzeuge von RoverFuture von Land Rover Jaguarerde could powertrain hybrid a steering wheel basing now use itself, the motor vehicle technical designer censément with British specialist Torotrak in transmission functioned, the same society, which helped to develop the hybrid kers system, which is examined momentarily in the packing up formula 1. The majority of the hybrid vehicles takes the energy, which was normally lost at the braking, by using the electric motors as generator, which Kraft send again to the batteries. In the system of Torotrak the again taken up braking forces in a small steering wheel are stored, which turns up to 64.000 t/mn. If the vehicle speeds support, the steering wheel sets its kinetic energy free and reduces the load on the motorcar engine. In relative messages similar manufacturer Allison of the transmission bought a part of 10 - one hundred in Torotrak and plans to use around itself its technology from torischer cvt transmission to in future applications of vehicles. These units are used momentarily in mowers and can censément the yield of the fuel by 20 to extend - one hundred. [Source: The touring bus jaguar], which works on the hybrid kers system, appeared at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Wed, 18. March 2009 18:10: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - The BRITISH shop fastens outside the Diesel posed to day of the Jaguar XF S, mpg 35 (the United States)
Under classifies: MPG, Jaguar above clicking for a high gallery of the research of the Jaguar 2010 XF Beginning of this yearly improved the Jaguar its powertrainlinie including the engines in the XF freshly still and XK. The new steer the injected gas V8, and Dieselv6 strengthened particularly supply those and more Kraft in case of the Diesel improved effectiveness. The 3.0L is now available in two Geschmacken, 237 forces in horses and 271 forces in horses for the XF S. the crew at which motor vehicle? at the VK had a luck, the XF S and try unsurprisingly impressed are. The spontaneous ignition XF is measured on mpg 35 (the United States) with CO2 of just now 179 g/km; very impressing for one folâtreluxus the Förderwagen like the XF. The new engines have to be as more noiseless a better answer range ground as their predecessors exactly the same. If everything goes well, the success of the new Diesels of the German competitors will leave the Jaguar to see the adjustment, in order to have let us a column at the new models. We do not hold back our breath however. Gallery: Jaguar 2010 XF S Diesel [source: Which motor vehicle?]The BRITISH shop fastens outside the Diesel posed to day of the Jaguar XF S, mpg 35 (the United States) to the beginning, which appeared on the green from Autoblog Fri, 13. March 2009 12:53: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - Electrical Jaguar XF, in order to paint the green from Copenhagen to
Under classifies: EV/Plug in, Jaguar, Europe/EU packing up Past September we mentioned an event, which is programmed, in order to take place in Copenhagen, Denmark this August with the designation the CO2 E - pursue. If we were not too safe that, which would imply the race, but were answered many questions since. For example the course was planned, in order to resemble the letters CO, and the O is twice surrounded - intelligently - if seen of the area (or of Google Maps, whether it is simpler for you). We know likewise that one only of the vehicles with the zero-carbon emission permitted to participate, and at least is one gone in such a machine, which is based on a Förderwagen of the xf-Jaguar production. The Danish physicist and the president of the engines Jesper drink Rasmussen von Cleantech lead the team become green to project light, which created the point in former times a vehicle environmentalcareful with diesel engine, the batteries of the lithium ion for the storage of the energy and an electric motor for the drive used. In order the next race to remember the Jaguar will make a preparation by Copenhagen on the same CO way to function as it pursued use, after which the coordinates are used of GPS of the event, in order to create a serigraphkopie, which is sold to the requirement. Thanks for the end of the Jakobs! [Source: Plan the green electrical Jaguar XF of fire] the green from Copenhagen to paint at the beginning on the green of Autoblog Thu appeared, 29 January 2009 09:36: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - The countries the green academy opens Rover Jaguar
Under classifies: Etc. Jaguar, Land Rover, can make a motor vehicle technical designer a difference for UKWhere? Just now by building greener motor vehicles? By having green agencies? Wait, it can the green education centers likewise have! It is the point, which the countries Rover Jaguar, which takes does not admit for the savings vehicles from fuel is. Education formations of Land Rover of the Jaguar occupy the new in Warwick, England more than 4,000 m2 including a workshop for the whole practical education. There are likewise 16 class halls, which are rather large, in order to accommodate a vehicle for a better education. The green part comes from the building, which refourbi was, in order to cover a choice of solutions of optimal yield. For example a special wax polymer to escape itself, which absorbs the heat in the summer and which heat prevents from it, in on the heating the winter/cooling calculation which can be saved. There is likewise sun/thermal heating of the choice of additional measures like the rain water, which harvest containers, and water heating, high lighting of the yield and the isolation of throw foam. All this, over from the 275 tons of CO2 approximately to save per year (approximately 2 million kilometers on Land Rover Freelander 2 TD4_e). [Source: The jaguar jaguar] that Land Rover opens the green academy is at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Wed appeared, 21 January 2009 11:28: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read | Permalink | This  emails; | CommentsПереслать - The Jaguar quits again XF at S Diesel, to 0-60 5.9s, mpg 35
Classé dessous : Diesel, jaguar Cliquez sur le nouveau XF S diesel pour une haute galerie de recherche Le jaguar a juste annoncé une nouvelle version de sa berline de sports de XF avec un 3.0L mis à jour V6 diesel qui frappe légèrement dehors 275 puissances en chevaux et a des 443 livre-pi massif de couple. Le nouveau moteur remplace le 2.7L plus ancien V6 diesel que le jaguar a employé pendant plusieurs années. Le XF S diesel obtient une estimation combinée d'économie du combustible 35 du mpg (US), une amélioration de 12 pour cent au-dessus du moteur plus ancien et moins puissant. Les émissions d'anhydride carbonique chutent également par 10 pour cent à 179 g/km. Le couple est suffisant pour déplacer le XF de 0-60 M/H en juste 5.9 secondes. Cela fait ce nouveau plus rapide diesel que 4.2L l'essence V8 XF et essentiellement plus efficace. Le V8 XF alimenté au gaz est évalué juste 21 au mpg (US). C'est une amélioration de 67 pour cent de rendement du carburant et de meilleure exécution ; pas trop le mauvais. Une version légèrement plus faible de 240 puissances en chevaux du 3.0L est également disponible, bien qu'elle obtienne la même estimation de 35 mpg que la version plus puissante. Les deux moteurs sont équipés des turbocompresseurs duels et des euro V normes d'émissions du rassemblement. Un système à rails commun de 29.000 livres par pouce carré avec les injecteurs piézo-électriques manipule la livraison de carburant tandis que les filtres particulaires traitent la réduction de suie. La combinaison de la conception de chambre de combustion, l'installation carburant et la RGE signifient les limites européennes de NOx de rassemblement de moteurs sans additionnel après des systèmes de traitement. Galerie : Jaguar 2010 XF S diesel [source : Jaguar] continuent lecture jaguar annonce nouveau XF diesel S, 0-60 5.9s, 35 mpgJaguar annonce nouveau XF S diesel, 0-60 5.9s, le mpg 35 sont à l'origine apparus sur le vert d'Autoblog lundi, 29 décembre 2008 07:57 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; CommentairesПереслать - Video of the magazine of the Jaguar XKR 75
Taken of the video of the magazine of the Jaguar XKR 75 on ZerCustoms Observe after the leap… Complete text here: Obvious gallery of photos of the magazine of the Jaguar XKR 75 here: Obvious photos of the magazine of the Jaguar XKR 75 more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Birthday of the Jaguar XF V8 fünfundsiebzigst
Taken of the birthday of the Jaguar XF V8 fünfundsiebzigst on ZerCustoms Complete details and pictures after the leap…. Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the birthday of the Jaguar XF V8 fünfundsiebzigst here: Fünfundsiebzigste photo of the birthday of the Jaguar XF V8 more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar XKR 75
Taken by the Jaguar XKR 75 on ZerCustoms First picture and available initial details after the leap…. Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the Jaguar XKR 75 here: Photo of the Jaguar XKR 75 more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Birthday of the fünfundsiebzigsten xk-Jaguar
Taken of the birthday of the fünfundsiebzigsten xk-Jaguar on ZerCustoms Inserted into Australia. Complete details after the leap…. Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the birthday of the fünfundsiebzigsten xk-Jaguar here: Photo of the birthday of the fünfundsiebzigsten xk-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Video: Deviation of the XDE Jaguar
Taken of the video: XDE Jaguar, which derives to ZerCustoms One day pleasure and play on the damp…. Complete text here: Video: XDE Jaguar, which derives more than jaguar messages to ZerCustomsПереслать - Xj-Jaguar von Startech
Taken by the xj-Jaguar von Startech on ZerCustoms Receives the new package, which calls exterior. Perhaps additional Kraft…. Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the xj-Jaguar von Startech here: Photo of the xj-Jaguar von Startech more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Package 2011 of black of speed of the xkr Jaguar
Taken of the package 2011 of black of speed of the xkr Jaguar on ZerCustoms Would drive out you the liberating details, the pictures and the video. Receives two new packages…. Complete text here: Photo gallery 2011 of the package of black of speed of the xkr Jaguar here: Photo 2011 of package of black of speed of the xkr Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar 2011 XKR
Taken by the Jaguar 2011 XKR on ZerCustoms The first overview of the new version publicised itself the volume. Liberating details…. Complete text here: Jaguar 2011 XKR more jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar 2011 XF S
Taken by the Jaguar 2011 XF S on ZerCustoms The four-door keeps examined during again the model yearly British…. Complete text here: Photo gallery 2011 of the Jaguar XF S here: Photo 2011 of the Jaguar XF S more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar RSR XKR GT2 chez le Mans 2010
Taken by the Jaguar RSR XKR GT2 with Mans 2010 on ZerCustoms The Jaguar turns at a fastidious race event, where it won seven times…. Complete text here: Jaguar RSR XKR GT2 at the photo gallery 2010 Mans here: Jaguar RSR XKR GT2 with Mans 2010 photos more jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar XJ AJ22 d' Arden
Taken by the Jaguar von Arden XJ AJ22 on ZerCustoms The xj-Jaguar receives new obvious perfections of the traditional Tuners…. Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the Jaguar XJ AJ22 von Arden here: Photo of the Jaguar XJ AJ22 von Arden more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - The Jaguar 2010 XJ Neiman Marcus sold itself outside
Taken of the Jaguar 2010 XJ Neiman Marcus outside on ZerCustoms sold The Jaguar announced today that the Jaguar is outside sold 2010 of special expenditure XJ Neiman Marcus. The 50 units of the Jaguar 2010 XJ Neiman Marcus, which were offered by the book of Christmas retailer, were sold in just now 4 hours and 4 minutes. The sale took place on 6 October. … Complete text here: The Jaguar 2010 XJ Neiman Marcus sold outside the photo gallery here: The Jaguar 2010 XJ Neiman Marcus sold outside photos to more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Falltür of the area of the xf-Jaguar and Jaguars
Taken of the Falltür of the area of the xf-Jaguar and Jaguars on ZerCustoms The British press speculates that an area of the xf-Jaguar and a jaguar drop door are all two in the plans of the society. The area of the xf-Jaguar is accompanied in the year 2012 to come and by probably a reclimb of the face of the model. The area of the xf-Jaguar will have a new rust before, inspi… Complete text here: The area of the xf-Jaguar and the Jaguar chop more jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Xkr Jaguar STARTECH
Taken by the xkr Jaguar STARTECH on ZerCustoms STARTECH this yearly Frankfurt introduced its xkr Jaguar and Programm XK at the automatic exhibition. The program of the xkr Jaguar STARTECH covers a new package of the aerodynamics, which includes spoilers Ailerons, those at the apron before, in the current lights of the LED daily fasten and to a rear part of carbon fiber… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the xkr Jaguar STARTECH here: Photo of the startech xkr Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Price 2010 of the Australian xj-Jaguar
Taken of the price 2010 by the xj-Jaguar Australia on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced today the price 2010 of the Australian xj-Jaguar, where it will go into sale in the second quarter from 2010. The Jaguar 2010 XJ will be available on the Australian market with a choice between three engines: 3.0 a Diesel of the litre of V6, a gasoline of V8 of 5.0 litres, 5… Complete text here: Price 2010 of the Photogaleriexj Jaguar Australia here: Price 2010 of the xj-Jaguar of the photos of Australia more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar 2010 XKR in Australia
Taken by the Jaguar 2010 XKR in Australia on ZerCustoms The Jaguar released the details, and the complete lists of the prices for the Jaguar 2010 XKR and the chain 2010 model of the xk-Jaguar for the Australian market. The version of AT Jaguar 2010 XKR was operated by the same engine of V8 5,0, over-nourished per litre, the 375kW and 625Nm of t developed… Complete text here: Jaguar 2010 XKR in the photo gallery of Australia here: Jaguar 2010 XKR in photos of Australia more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - C 1952 by Jaguar for 2.5M USD
Taken by C 1952 by Jaguar for 2.5M USD on ZerCustoms The requirement RM has a new plate of the requirement with a C 1952 registers the Jaguar, which sold itself for 2,5 million USD. The requirement for C 1952 of the Jaguar terminated at $2.530.000. This C 1952 jaguar private person was supplied with one first to the United States and was… complete text led here: C 1952 of Jaguar for USD of the gallery of 2.5Mphotos here: C 1952 of Jaguar for USD von Fotos of 2.5M more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Details 2013 by the Jaguar XE
Taken of the details 2013 by the Jaguar XE on ZerCustoms To the motor vehicle shop the British indication works on the Jaguar 2013 XE - a new half compartment and roadsterlinie, those in the same market segment will fall as Porsche Boxter and Kaiman. The new Jaguar 2013 XE belongs to a new society strategy, which aims at to convert I… Complete text here: The Jaguar 2013 XE describes more jaguar messages on ZerCustoms in detailПереслать - Price 2010 by the xj-Jaguar
Taken of the price 2010 by the xj-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The British indication announced that the price 2010 of the xj-Jaguar and the fact that its beginning of the USA takes place today the beginning of the neunundfünfzigsten from Elegance annually from Pebble Beach competition. The north-American version of the Jaguar 2010 XJ comes also from the 5,0 litres naturally aspirated 385hp… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2010 of the prices for xj-Jaguar here: Photo 2010 of the prices for xj-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Convertible by the Jaguar XKR 5.0L von Arden
Taken of the convertible of the Jaguar XKR 5.0L von Arden on ZerCustoms The specialist with the Jaguar von Arden of XKR 5.0L released a new package of the supply for the convertible. The convertible of the Jaguar XKR 5.0L von Arden is based itself on wheels from aluminum of 21 tariff and an examined suspension, which were developed in co-operation with Bilstein. The xk-Jaguar von Arden… Complete text here: Convertible of the Jaguar XKR 5.0L von Arden more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Video more highly the magazine of the speed of the XDE Jaguar
Taken of the video more highly the magazine of the speed of the XDE Jaguar on ZerCustoms In the last episode of the higher speed of Jeremy Clarkson a magazine of the XDE Jaguar makes and places it likewise against BMW powerful M5. The XDE Jaguar is the fastest motor vehicle, how the society never built 225.675mp clock (363.188km/Uhr clock) with a higher speed, registered in January on the complete salt text of Bonneville… here: Video more highly the magazine of the speed of the XDE Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Xjc Jaguar in the work
Taken by the xjc Jaguar in the work over ZerCustoms The new xj-point was just now revealed, and there are already speculations, which is a version 2010 of half compartment of the xj-Jaguar or the xjc Jaguar in the work. obviously, director of the conception of the point, Ian Callum, explained that its team already makes the first sketches of the new xj-Jaguar… Complete text here: Xjc Jaguar in the work more jaguar messages over ZerCustomsПереслать - Arden a type Jaguar XK
Taken by Arden a type Jaguar XK on ZerCustoms Arden introduced a limited expenditure of its model A, which is based on the xk-Jaguar of 1999-2005. The Tuner emphasizes that it will set up five additional units of the xk-Jaguar of A von Arden, who will limit the series on 18. The xk-Jaguar of A von Arden was developed in the wind YOU… Complete text here: Arden a type gallery of photos of the xk-Jaguar here: Arden a type photo of the xk-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Motor vehicle of the police of the xf-Jaguar
Taken of the motor vehicle of the police of the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The motor vehicle of the police of the xf-Jaguar in the picture is equipped BRITISH Kraft to equip and is a version of high achievement, which is based on the Diesel model of XF S., the motor vehicle of the police of the xf-Jaguar by a diesel engine of 3.0 litres operates S with a parallel sequential turbo compressor system and with a complete output text… here: Gallery of motor vehicle photos of police of the xf-Jaguar here: Motor vehicle photo of police of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - XDE Jaguar and Beginn of XKR R-U
Taken by the XDE Jaguar and of the BRITISH xkr beginning on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced today that the XDE Jaguar and the BRITISH xkr beginning kanarienen on 8. from June 2009 in London Motorexpo in yellow dock will take place. The XDE Jaguar is operated by a over-nourished engine of 5.0 litres, which develops substantial and the motor vehicle of the 510 forces in horses from 0 to 6 take can… Complete text here: XDE Jaguar and BRITISH gallery of xkr Beginnphotos here: XDE Jaguar and BRITISH beginning photos of XKR more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Mystery 2010 by the xj-Jaguar
Taken of the mystery 2010 by the xj-Jaguar on ZerCustoms ACTUALIZATION: The Jaguar 2010 released of video of the mystery of the xj-Jaguar yesterday to 2010 first pictures of the mystery of the xj-Jaguar and indicated some details of initial on the new version. The version will have its public beginning in July this year, with the complete details, which cover to 2010… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2010 of the mystery of the xj-Jaguar here: Photo 2010 of mystery of the xj-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Hybrid one of the xj-Jaguar in the work
Taken of the hybrid of the xj-Jaguar in the work over ZerCustoms The British of the touring bus reported yesterday, over that a hybrid of the xj-Jaguar is in the work. Obviously the hybrid of the xj-Jaguar will have a something similar powertrain as new OPEL Ampera and volts of Chevrolet, which implies loaded batteries at electric motor through again, during o… Complete text here: Hybrid one of the xj-Jaguar in the work more than jaguar messages over ZerCustomsПереслать - Details 2010 by the xj-Jaguar
Taken from 2010 Jaguar XJ detail on ZerCustoms The latest rumors regarding the company' s flagship, the new 2010 Jaguar XJ, say it wants fuel element revealed into the buzzers in London and that it wants hit the showroom floor more later this year. The 2010 Jaguar XJ wants have both A new lightweight body and A new engine LINE UP UP ton comp… Complete chap text: 2010 Jaguar XJ details More Jaguar news one ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar XK S
Taken by the Jaguar XK S on ZerCustoms The Jaguar XK-S of limited expenditure was presented today on the Australian market. The Jaguar XK-S is operated by an engine of V8 of 4.2 litres, which is good for 219kW. The additional list of the equipment of the Jaguar XK-S covers 20 „valenc of alloy wheels of Senta, forwards and rear part… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the Jaguar XK S here: Photo of the Jaguar XK S more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Video of the XDE Jaguar
Taken of the video of the XDE Jaguar on ZerCustoms The British indication released the first video advertisement from the XDE Jaguar, which shows the new model, which was revealed at strait, which leads around the mountain routes. The XDE Jaguar was operated by an engine of V8 5,0, per litre over-nourished, for 510 the picosecondes is good and 625 pair nanometers. The society has t… Complete text here: Video of the XDE Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - In the middle of half compartment of the engine of the Jaguar XE
Taken of center the half compartment of the engine of the Jaguar XE on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced this week that XDE became changed just now the fastest model, which they never made still faster than the XJ200 (picture) supercar. Today autoexpress communicates that the Jaguar works on a new supercar that they believe that this will call the Jaguar XE… Complete text here: In the middle of gallery of photos of the half compartment of the engine of the Jaguar XE here: In the middle of photo of the half compartment of the engine of the Jaguar XE more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Video of the plate of the speed of the XDE Jaguar
Taken of the video of the plate of the speed of the XDE Jaguar on ZerCustoms Yesterday, the Jaguar announced that the new XDE Jaguar is the fastest model, which they never set up with a speed plate of more than 360 km/h. Today the society released a obvious projectile of the XDE Jaguar von Werbungsgeschwindigkeitsplatte on the salt apartments from Bonneville, where the attempt took pla… Complete text here: Video of the plate of the speed of the XDE Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Higher speed of the XDE Jaguar
Taken of the higher speed of the XDE Jaguar on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced today that the XDE Jaguar is officially the fastest motor vehicle the society never set up, with a higher speed of 225.675mp clock (363.188km/Uhr clock). The race of the plate of higher speed of the XDE Jaguar took place in the legendary salt apartments of Bonneville in Utah. The current higher speed of the XDE Jaguar… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of higher speed of the XDE Jaguar here: Photo of higher speed of the XDE Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar 2010 XKR
Taken by the Jaguar 2010 XKR on ZerCustoms The Jaguar revealed the new generation at the NAIAS 2009 2010 of the xkr Jaguar and to 2010 XK. The Jaguar 2010 XKR was operated by a new generation of the engine by V8 5,0, over-nourished per litre, which 510PS and 625Nm of the pair produced and which can take XKR of 0 at MP 60… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2010 of the xkr Jaguar here: Photo 2010 of the xkr Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - XDE Jaguar
Taken by the XDE Jaguar on ZerCustoms The Jaguar revealed the XDE Jaguar today at strait 2010 and to 2010 XF. The Jaguar 2010 XDE is operated by a over-nourished engine of V8 parinjection of 5.0 litres, which and 625Nm of the pair produces 510PS. With this engine the Jaguar knows 2010 XDE from 0 to 60 M/H in 4 received…. Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the XDE Jaguar here: Photo of the XDE Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Cut 2010 by the xf-Jaguar
Taken of the half compartment 2010 by the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms Expressly of automobile industry today publishes the first pictures of, which indicate, in order to be the half compartment 2010 from the xf-Jaguar to. The half compartment 2010 of the xf-Jaguar the same market segment such as AUDI A5 and the half compartment of BMW 3-Serien will divide. , If the mother house of the Jaguar felt, plans likewise, on XF Roadst to bring… Complete text here: Cut 2010 of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Superheater of Arden for jaguar engines and of arranges Rover V8
Taken of the superheater of Arden for jaguar engines and of Rover V8 arranges on ZerCustoms Arden indicated and arranges today its last superheater set for jaguar engines, Rover V8. The superheater of Arden for jaguar engines and of arranges Rover V8 offers 80 BHP (58,8 kilowatts) more and 140 additional pair nanometer. An engine of V8, which was equipped with a superheater of Arden, can outside… Complete text here: Superheater of Arden photo gallery for a Jaguar and of arranges Rover V8 motor here: Superheater of Arden photo for a Jaguar and of arranges Rover V8 motor more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Xf-Jaguar of ECURIE SCOTLAND
Taken by the xf-Jaguar of ECURIE SCOTLAND on ZerCustoms The package of the conversion of the xf-Jaguar of ECURIE SCOTLAND offers supplies of view and of execution. The xf-Jaguar of ECURIE SCOTLAND is based on the Diesel version of 2.7 litres of the Förderwagens and offer two levels of the supply of execution: for 472.00 books you can a module of ECU of the piggyback traffic received… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the xf-Jaguar of ECURIE SCOTLAND here: Photo of the xf-Jaguar of ECURIE SCOTLAND more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar AJ 21 of Arden
Taken by the Jaguar von Arden AJ 21 on ZerCustoms Arden released Spéc. and the final details of its Jaguar AJ 21, which is based on the new XF. The Jaguar AJ 21 of Arden with a diesel engine of 2.7 litres, the 250 BHP and 80 develops pair nanometer more than the standard model or a version of 4.5 litres for all engines W von V8 will be available,… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of AJ 21 of Jaguars von Arden here: Aj-Jaguar von Arden 21 photos more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Xkr Jaguar Apizes
Taken by the xkr Jaguar Apizes on ZerCustoms The xkr Jaguar Apizes made a special aspect at the celebration of the Jaguar XK60, which was held at the engine cycle of Goodwood. At the youngest XK at the event, which has xkr Jaguar Apizes 60 years of the model celebrates. The visitors of the event had the luck take a cover here in the complete Apextext…: Gallery of photos of the xkr Jaguar Apizes here: Photo of the Apexxkr Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Bricks from the xf-Jaguar roughly
Taken bricks of the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms roughly It bricks of the xf-Jaguar in the video roughly is the work of LimeLite CoachWorks of Santa Clara, California. It bricks of the xf-Jaguar roughly by a 4.2Lmotor V8 operated, and a transmission and this of 6 speeds are order of rear wheel. The inside of this device of bricks of the xf-Jaguar roughly… Complete text here: More than jaguar messages bricks on ZerCustoms roughly of the xf-JaguarПереслать - Video of the Jaguar XF R
Taken of the video of the Jaguar XF R on ZerCustoms This video of the Jaguar XF-R was pulled during the exposure of the new model, which took place the celebration 2008 of Goodwood of the speed. The new Jaguar XF-R is shown, which takes a cover around the cycle, without carrying any camouflage. The Jaguar XF-R operated by the 5,0 litres of V8 e… Complete text here: Video of the Jaguar XF R more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - 14 million jaguar books XJ13
Taken of 14 million jaguar books XJ13 concerning ZerCustoms Speed master announced that it will submit 14 million jaguar books XJ13 in the photos at Bradford Saturday. 14 million jaguar books XJ13 politeness of the hereditary confidence of Daimler of the Jaguar (JDHT) comes, which it for the classical of Bradford sends, extrav of two days a motor vehicle… Complete text here: 14 million books of the gallery of photos of the Jaguar XJ13 here: 14 million books of photos of the Jaguar XJ13 more than jaguar messages over ZerCustomsПереслать - The Jaguar XK60 announced
Taken of the Jaguar XK60, which was announced on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced that it one soixanti. Expenditure of the birthday of the XK at the international salon of the British motor vehicle 2008 will reveal - the Jaguar XK60. The famous Jaguar XK60 the introduction to 1948 of the motor vehicle sport XK120 - first to equip with the engine XK. … Complete text here: Photo gallery, which was announced by XK60 Jaguar, here: Photos, which were announced by XK60 of Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - The xk-Jaguar turns 60
Taken of the xk-Jaguar turns 60 on ZerCustoms This year turns the xk-Jaguar 60, and the British indication prepares a special event, which will take place in the celebration 2008 of Goodwood of the speed. Some the Jaguare, which are introduced to the event of this yearly, closes the XKR s, two XK 120 a 's, „the historical POINT "and „LWK "… Complete text here: The xk-Jaguar turns the photo gallery 60 here: The xk-Jaguar turns 60 photos more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar in Australia
Taken of brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar in Australia over ZerCustoms After the success of the model 2007, which was completely even sold, before he reached the Australian banks, is to brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar for Australia announced. Brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar in Australia will have an electronically limited higher speed of 250… Complete text here: Brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar in the photo gallery of Australia here: Brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar in photos of Australia more than jaguar messages over ZerCustomsПереслать - The xj-Jaguar is BRITISH greenest luxury motor vehicle
Seizure of the xj-Jaguar is the BRITISH greenest luxury motor vehicle on ZerCustoms Environmental leader 2008 of motor vehicle buyers of associations of the transport, which was selected during the second yearly in a row, the xj-Jaguar as the greenest motor vehicle luxury of the VK. The Diesel offers of the Jaguar XJ 2,7 a fuel consumption of 53.5 mpg with an emission level of CO2 139g/km. It can travel 1000,2 miles on a sin… Complete text here: The xj-Jaguar is luxury motor vehicle the greenest BRITISHER more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Xf-Jaguar von Arden
Taken by the xf-Jaguar von Arden on ZerCustoms Announced in the last month the details of the xf-Jaguar von Arden were today released. The xf-StandardJaguar is offered with a choice between four engines with the most powerful to be a power station, which was over-nourished by V8 von Benzin by 4.2 litres, which develop 416 forces in horses. The Jaguar XF ha von Arden… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the xf-Jaguar von Arden here: Photo of the xf-Jaguar von Arden more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Government plant by Land Rover of the Jaguar
Taken of the government plant by Land Rover of the Jaguar on ZerCustoms The countries today it announced Rover Jaguar that they received the government plant, in order to help to accelerate the development of the technologies, which will reduce CO2-Emissionen. The countries Rover Jaguar in some projects are covered, which cover: Extended electrical vehicle REHEV Flywhee of the range… Complete text here: Government of Land Rover of the Jaguar, which set more jaguar message on ZerCustomsПереслать - Loder1899 Jaguar XF
Taken Loder1899 of the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms Loder1899 the xf-Jaguar is introduced to the agreement world Bodensee 2008 in first. Loder1899 the xf-Jaguar, which calls the sentence, includes new spoiler before, Hinterspoiler and Hinterschürzenspoiler. Loder1899 the xf-Jaguar comes likewise also from the 35 millimeters, which lower the sentence, while Kraft was in… Complete text here: Loder1899 gallery of photos of the xf-Jaguar here: Loder1899 photo of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - The xf-Jaguar is the best Diesel 2008
Of the xf-Jaguar the best Diesel is taken 2008 on ZerCustoms The xf-Jaguar is the best Diesel 2008, how it was called 2008 „motor vehicles of the yearly "by the Diesel shop of i> of i>What. It is the 10th international reward, there its introduction September, won by the xf-Jaguar, which was spent to the automatic exhibition from Frankfurt. The version of the xf-Jaguar, which was called here 2008… complete texts: The xf-Jaguar is the best Diesel photo gallery here 2008: The xf-Jaguar is 2008 better Diesel photos more jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - HR Jaguar XF
Taken by the xf-Jaguar von Stunde on ZerCustoms The specialist H and R in suspension released his first product for the new xf-Jaguar. The special feathers/springs of the xf-Jaguar H and R permit the motor vehicle by 35 millimeters to be lowered which improve views and the handling of the Förderwagens sport of the Englishmen. The xf-Jaguar H and R leads likewise the bet out… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the xf-Jaguar von Stunde here: Photo of the xf-Jaguar of the hour more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar XF AJ 21 d' Arden
Taken by the Jaguar XF AJ 21 of Arden on ZerCustoms Arden released the first pulled mystery of its new Jaguar XF AJ 21 from Arden. Unfortunately they still published no other information. By the photo the Jaguar XF AJ 21 of Arden, current lights of the LED daily seems to include a new buffer before forwards and the rust new Seitensil… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the Jaguar XF AJ 21 of Arden here: Jaguar XF AJ von Arden 21 photos more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Price for Australian xf-Jaguar
Taken of the price for xf-Jaguar Australia on ZerCustoms The xf-Jaguar will go into sale on the Australian market in June this year. The price for Australian xf-Jaguar will begin the Diesel version of the litre of V6 at $105.500 RRP for 2.7 and to $166.700 for the version will amount, which was operated by V8 4,2, per litre over-nourished. The retailers have the alre… Complete text here: Price for Photogaleriexf Jaguar Australia here: Price for xf-Jaguar of the photos of Australia more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar XKR S
Taken by the Jaguar XKR S on ZerCustoms The Jaguar places an easy version of the XKR pre the Jaguar XKR-S to the salon of the motor vehicle of Geneva. The Jaguar XKR-S of the 4,2 litres the whole over-nourished engine of V8 operates parcame from aluminum, 420 BHP and 560 supplies pair nanometers. The higher speed of the Jaguar XKR-S is e… Complete text here: Gallery of photos of the Jaguar XKR S here: Photo of the Jaguar XKR S more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Details 2009 of brochure of the xkr Jaguar
Taken of the details 2009 of brochure of the xkr Jaguar over ZerCustoms The Jaguar has the details over 2009 releases the special expenditure of the yearly model brochure of the xkr Jaguar. The Jaguar 2009, where the xkr brochure is operated by the 420 forces in horses, over-nourished the engine of V8 of 4.2 litres, which is paddleshiftgeschwindigkeit added to a sequential transmission of the jaguar shift of six-speed with cha… Complete text here: Brochure 2009 of the xkr Jaguar describes the photo gallery here in detail: Brochure 2009 of the xkr Jaguar describes photos more than jaguar messages on ZerCustoms in detailПереслать - Brochure 2009 of the xj-Jaguar
Taken of brochure 2009 of the xj-Jaguar over ZerCustoms The Jaguar released the details over a new special expenditure XJ - brochure 2009 of the xj-Jaguar - which is submitted for the first time in Geneva. Brochure 2009 of the xj-Jaguar is operated by a over-nourished engine by V8 and equipped with the active suspension of the computer technology (… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2009 of the brochure of the xj-Jaguar here: Photo 2009 of brochure of the xj-Jaguar more than jaguar messages over ZerCustomsПереслать - Publication of the video of the xf-Jaguar
Taken of the obvious publication of the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms It is the first obvious publication of the xf-Jaguar, which I saw up to now. I must say that this publication of the Jaguar XF TV is largely and mark VE darkness large it to seem choice in order it to favour. No miracle likes my dad it. This obvious publication of the xf-Jaguar shows the passion and the excitement and that old… Complete text here: Obvious publication of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Motor vehicle xf-JAGUAR of 2008
Taken by the motor vehicle xf-JAGUAR of 2008 on ZerCustoms New xf-JAGUAR won the motor vehicle of the reward of the yearly to i>Whatkraftfahrzeug? Rewards i> in the year 2008. New xf-JAGUAR likewise went on same stage to the house with the reward of i> implementing motor vehicle i>Best, which before BMW 5 series and Mercedes CLS wins. The new complete text xf-JAGUAR… here: Motor vehicle xf-JAGUAR of the photo gallery here 2008: Motor vehicle xf-JAGUAR of 2008 photos more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Shop iPhone of the xf-Jaguar
Taken of the shop iPhone of the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced the introduction of the shop iPhone of the xf-Jaguar, which is first of its kind in the motor driven industry. If you possess a iPhone or one iPodkontakt, have at the Jaguar entrance, which the iPhoneladen of XF addresses at the following: www.jxfph… Complete text here: Shop iPhone of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - First xf-Jaguar
Taken of the first xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The first xf-Jaguar is the manufacturing chain today in the bromine yielding lock pleases, west Midlands. The first motor vehicle of the production of the xf-Jaguar was given a litre of SV8 of the grey 4,2 of steam to the collection of hereditary confidence of Daimler of the Jaguar. Michael Quinn Mr. Wi… Complete text here: First gallery of photos of the xf-Jaguar here: First photos of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Price 2009 of market of the United States of the xf-Jaguar
Taken of the price 2009 of market of the United States of the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced the evaluation for the market version of the United States of the Jaguar 2009 XF. The price 2009 will begin the USA of the Jaguar XF just now under $50.000 - at MSRP $49,975. The luxury 2009 of the best quality of V8 von xf-Jaguar the indicated price of $55.975 and the 420 v to have over-nourished by forces in horses… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2009 of the market prices of the United States of the xf-Jaguar here: Photo 2009 of the market prices of the United States of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Alliance of the Jaguar and Land Rover with young president Organization
Taken of the alliance of the Jaguar and Land Rover with young president Organization on ZerCustoms Ford announced that the Jaguar North America and Land Rover North America formed an alliance with young president Organization, which the largest world net of the global director/conductor of the affairs is. Press report by Ford: JAGUAR and FORMS EXCLUSIVE from Land Rover… Complete text here: Alliance of the Jaguar and Land Rover with recent messages of the presidents Organization More Jaguar on ZerCustomsПереслать - Type 2009 by Jaguar X
Taken of the type 2009 by Jaguar X on ZerCustoms Ford has the details 2009 of the x standard releases the Förderwagen and the car of the Jaguar, which will go into sale to the VK in March in the next year. For the first time in the Jaguar the x is offered to standard a combination between the Diesel strength and the automatic transmission. The complete text 2009 of the Jaguar… here: Type 2009 of Jaguar X photo gallery here: Type 2009 of Jaguar X photo more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar
Taken of brochure 2008 of the xkr Jaguar over ZerCustoms ACTUALIZATION: Brochure of the xkr Jaguar - press report of the phase of the projectile jaguar: - New special technology and cut or convertible luxury still look for the customers, the final sport of, offers of the brochure of the larger xkr expenditure to those. - Revi, which calls unique exterior… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2008 of the brochure of the xkr Jaguar here: Photo 2008 of brochure of the xkr Jaguar more than jaguar messages over ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar XKR AJ20 d' Arden
Taken by the Jaguar von Arden XKR AJ20 on ZerCustoms The Jaguar XKR AJ20 von Arden has an engine again constructs, which received a travel increase. The pool of broadcasting corporations EN increase of engine journey was made possible of s of XKR aj20-Jaguar ', by adapting a new Drehbohrer with new trunks and fraud pistons. … The complete text here: Gallery of photos of the Jaguar XKR AJ20 von Arden here: Photo of the Jaguar XKR AJ20 von Arden more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Part 2009 by the xf-Jaguar
Taken of the part of 2009 by the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The Jaguar finally published officially the remainder of information about the Jaguar 2009 XF. If you did not read it up to the today's day - here, it is press report of the Jaguar: The provoking thing and the provoking agreement melt its own rules, the new Jaguar 2009 XF agree… the complete text here: Photo gallery 2009 of the part of the xf-Jaguar here: Photo 2009 of the part of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Price 2009 by the xf-Jaguar
Taken of the price 2009 by the xf-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The Jaguar announced the price 2009 of the xf-Jaguar of the BRITISH market. The prices begin the gasoline up at 33.900 books for 2.7 the luxury 2009 of the xf-Jaguar of Diesel of the litre of V6 and put at 54.900 books for the surface of the range of V8, which of 4.2 litres the Jaguar 2009 XF SV8 over-nourished…. Complete text here: Photo gallery 2009 of the prices for xf-Jaguar here: Photo 2009 of the prices for xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar 2009 XF
Taken by the Jaguar 2009 XF on ZerCustoms The Jaguar 2009 XF produced a war of information about the Internet in last days. The Jaguar released all details of the Jaguar 2009 XF, including photos and characteristics, at some large blogs of the motor vehicles, but, not over it likewise required it to publish the UN… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2009 of the xf-Jaguar here: Photo 2009 of the xf-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Magazine of the video of the xkr Jaguar
Taken of the obvious magazine of the xkr Jaguar on ZerCustoms It is the obvious magazine of the xkr Jaguar, which was made by Mr.Clarkson of Top Gear' S., like you everything probably knows, Mr. Clarkson „kills "with the words nearly each motor vehicle that it creates its hands, excluded that one, those or at least really well is the Englishmen. In case of the Jaguar it sorts the XKR… Complete text here: Obvious magazine of the xkr Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Half compartment of the Jaguar XK 3,5 V8
Taken of the half compartment of the Jaguar XK 3,5 V8 on ZerCustoms The xk-Jaguar will receive a new engine. The 3.5-Liter has V8, which originates from the xj-Jaguar, a force result of HP 258 and a maximum pair of 335 nanometers. The half compartment of the Jaguar XK 3,5 V8 achieves a maximum speed of 243 km/h and accelerates from 0 with 100 km/h in 7,6 seconds. … Complete text here: Half compartment of the Jaguar XK 3,5 V8 more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Type 2008 by Jaguar X
Taken of the type 2008 by Jaguar X on ZerCustoms Press report of x STANDARD Jaguar: The x STANDARD JAGUAR OFFERS NOW to CUSTOMERS STILL ANOTHER LARGER VALUE, which kanarienen today to yellow dock Motorexpo is indicated, the Jaguar on the newest conditions brought and has its customers of the offer of the line of the models of X standard simplifies unusual yield costs through… Complete text here: Type 2008 of Jaguar X photo gallery here: Type 2008 of Jaguar X photo more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - 2008 Jaguar XK and XKR
Taken 2008 by the Jaguar XK and XKR on ZerCustoms Press report of the Jaguar: The JAGUAR INDICATES the MODEL RANGE, which WAS INCREASED by XK TO MOTOREXPO, the KANARIENE YELLOW DOCK 2007 today to kanarienen to yellow dock Motorexpo, the Jaguar a set of perfections on the XK and the range from X standard during 2008 model years indicated. YES… Complete text here: Jaguar 2008 XK and gallery of xkr photos here: Jaguar 2008 XK and photo of XKR more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar 2009 XJ
Taken by the Jaguar 2009 XJ on ZerCustoms The Jaguar 2009, where XJ will be muscle, in order to arrange it, is sporty capacities. Its internal and outward conceptions wedged in the past. The Jaguar 2009 XJ will always use itself the current aluminum supports of the xj-Jaguar, but it will win under sup planned more modern lines… Complete text here: Photo gallery 2009 of the xj-Jaguar here: Photo 2009 of the xj-Jaguar more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать - Next xj-Jaguar
Taken of the next xj-Jaguar on ZerCustoms The Jaguar employs the last detent, which the dramatic could become, and which will never build new innovative model the society - the exchange for bricks it from the xj-Jaguar roughly. The touring bus spoke with the inaugurations, which saw the conception and this W to have indicated… Complete text here: Next xj-Jaguar more jaguar message on ZerCustomsПереслать - Jaguar JN CK425 de JNothelle
Taken by the Jaguar von JNothelle JN CK425 on ZerCustoms First class. Le JN CK425. 285 km/h, 598 nanometers, exclusivity of 425 picosecondes - model - bezaubern, JNothelle the program, which exclusively from improvement to the xkr Halbabteil an individual note gives and creates a large pleasure for half compartment drivers. The already powerful engi of V8 of 4 litres… Complete text here: Jaguar JN CK425 von JNothelle more than jaguar messages on ZerCustomsПереслать | отписаться: управление подпиской: |
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