понедельник, 14 февраля 2011 г.

Jaguar (6 сообщений)

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  • The Jaguar Rover earth attached the association with small carbon content of the vehicle
    Under classifies: Jaguar, Land Rover The Jaguar Rover earth upward a new association with small carbon content of the vehicle followed, in order to look for and examine concepts, in order to cut the fuel consumption. £ 29 million project by the motor vehicle technical designer, six business partner, advantage companies west Midlands and the European fund for regional development is set. Schlüsseleines of the elements effectiveness will improve those the electronic administration powertrain and vehicle dynamics to improve. The goal will consist of optimizing these systems to slip in order to reduce the losses on a Höchtsmaß, which come, if the vehicle starts or turn the wheels. These same systems are likewise integrated in functions as the adaptative order for cruise. With appropriate programming the adaptative order for cruise can adapt the space distances for miminize the deceleration and acceleration and, presto, in order to support the niedrigereren fuel consumption. [Source: ] The Jaguar Rover earth of the reading sets the Jaguar Rover earth away the partnershipJaguar earth with small Rover carbon content of attached vehicle the association with small carbon content of the vehicle is attached at the beginning, which appeared on the green from Autoblog Wed, 24 February 2010 11:03: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • Report: The Jaguar builds the vehicle all-electrically the attempt XJ
    Classé dessous : EV/Plug-in, hybride, jaguar, Land Rover, R-U Jaguar 2011 XJ - clic ci-dessus pour la galerie de l'image haut-recherche Selon l'autocar au R-U, le jaguar Land Rover est encore dur au travail sur des véhicules d'hybride de série. Semblable à la position General Motors a pris avec 2011 volt de Chevrolet, jaguar croit que la seule vraie manière que des véhicules électriques peuvent être rendus compatibles avec la vie quotidienne est d'ajouter un petit moteur à moteur à essence de gamme-élargissement qui est capable de maintenir les batteries chargées sur l'aller. À la différence du GM, bien que, le jaguar ait vu l'ajustement pour contracter son petit moteur établissez au lotus, qui semble raisonnable donné les deux spécialités différentes du produit de la compagnie britannique. Le lotus a censément livré un moteur de trois-cylindre de 1.2 litre qui développe 35 kilowatts de puissance, qui est portée - avec une peu d'aide d'une concession BRITANNIQUE ou de deux de gouvernement - à l'intérieur d'une nouvelle berline de 2011 XJ avec un paquet de batterie d'ion de lithium. La force motrice vient courtoisie de quel autocar croit est un moteur électrique de 145 kilowatts (194 puissances en chevaux) avec 295 livre-pieds de couple. Les spécifications de performances semblent assez bonnes - cependant pas aussi impressionnant que nous pourrions avoir imaginé - assumant toute la ceci est précise, avec une gamme de 600 milles d'économie du combustible combinée de 47 milles par gallon (57 mpg R-U) et émission de carbone des 120 grammes au-dessous de par kilomètre. La vitesse supérieure entrerait censément à 112 Miles par heure. Une source anonyme au jaguar indique à autocar que le XJ électrique manipule tout à fait bien « en raison du volume qui est enlevé de la voiture quand vous dépouillez dehors la boîte de vitesse conventionnelle. » De futurs modèles de Range Rover sont également répandus pour obtenir une boîte de vitesse semblable. [Source : Rapport d'autocar] : Le jaguar construit le véhicule tout-électrique d'essai de XJ est à l'origine apparu sur le vert d'Autoblog Thu, 4 février 2010 11:58 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Read  ; |  ; Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • View of the informer of the green hybrid concept of series of „bricks from the Jaguar roughly "
    Under classifies: EV/Plug in, hybrids, Jaguar LotusFor the past Jaguar von Jahr Lotos, vehicle technologies of Caparo and the test site of MIRA had roughly brick-green worked on one, which was doubled by project, which was set by BRITISH government. The goal of the project was to develop and build a hybrid luxury promotion car from series to. In former times this week showed Jaguar far at the motor vehicle for the first time. The majority of the work powertrainentwicklung was accomplished, some the latter xj-generation, but recently the whole material uses, gone in 2010 XJ just. As volts of Chevy and karma of Fisker, the roughly brick-green uses an electric motor for the drive in this case of the 145 kilowatts of unit 295 livre pi. A package battery at the lithium shifts motor vehicle 30 miles on a load, and then the unit for plumb bob-OS-developed range range from 1.2 follows litre for the remainder of the range from 600 miles. We came into contact with the Jaguar for more information, but we always wait, in order to hear backwards from them to. Meanwhile the touring bus communicates that the large point at 47 receives mpg (the United States) on that European Union with CO2-Emissionen under 120 g/km combined cycle. [Source: The view of the informer of the touring bus] of the hybrid concept "of the Greens series of „bricks 2009 10:16 from the Jaguar at the beginning on the green from Autoblog Fri appeared raw, 11 September: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • Ratan felt: All future Jaguare and Vagabunde of earth, in order to cover the aluminum construction
    Under classifies: Hybrid one, Jaguar, Land Rover more easily Jaguar 2010 XJ - above clicking for the gallery of the picture high research The Jaguar had spied the aluminum-intensive construction of its Förderwagens XJ, since the model precedent generation backwards in the year 2003 was presented. In accordance with the motor vehicle technical designer the employment of aluminum can lead instead of the steel to an impressing reduction of 40 - one hundred of weights. That is bound to lead in order to have positive effects on the dynamics, the execution and the effectiveness. With their last conception the jaguar complaints their aluminum architecture to have improved still other one is so it not amazing that the society of plans has, in order to extend the technology at the remainder their line. After Ratan, felt the president of the society, which Rover Jaguar possesses the country now „JLR plans to have all its future motor vehicles which were built with the light bodies from aluminum, which have considerable saving in the weight and reduction of the CO2-Emissionen for result. " In order with the recently discovered reduction of the weight to go is the countries Rover Jaguar well-known to experiment with the hybrid powertrains. A kinetic system of the energy re-establishment can be in the maps for the line XJ in 2011, while Land Rover had worked on an electrical rear axle control, the beginning in the LRX could next arranges Rover closely. [Source: Shop of the engine E] Ratan felt: All future Jaguare and Vagabunde of earth, around which are to be covered aluminum construction at the beginning appeared on the green from Autoblog Fri, 31 July 2009 08:07: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read  |  Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • VIDEO: The Jaguar inspires the honour of aluminum
    Under classifies: New technologies, MPG, Jaguar more easily Jaguar 2010 XJ - above clicking, in order to look at the video after the leap The Jaguar was long time partisans of the aluminum construction for motor vehicles. Indeed the XJ of the present generation an aluminum-intensive framework, which is bound by loads of Epoxyd and more than 3,000 rivets, uses itself that the supports of the large permitted started to realise a saving of a weight from 40 to - one hundred over a worked on similar framework of the steel. In accordance with the British motor vehicle technical designer the next XJ will cover a framework, which is fair as sharpening and easily. Which is the affair with aluminum and the easy weight? Improved only itself the execution of the motor vehicle (acceleration, which handle and brakes), while the weight falls, do not report in such a way their of yield of the fuel and emissions. In addition the Jaguar indicates its innovative seizure of the structure less than the energy, in order to create and is easily re-usable, if the time finally comes, in order to take the vehicle away of the road. The new leap cat will receive its formal introduction on 9 July. Meanwhile strikes the leap, in order to observe a video, where two or three jaguar employees inspire the honours of aluminum. [Source: The Jaguar] continue the READING VIDEO: The Jaguar inspires the honour aluminumVIDEO: The Jaguar inspires the honour of aluminum at the beginning on the green of Autoblog Sun appeared, 28 June 2009 08:26: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • Returned speculation: Jaguar, which works on the electrical roadster on expanded Xe-consequence?
    Under classifies: been EV/Plug in, hybrid, JaguarWe' VE hearing spreads for at least the last months, which the Jaguar worked on a new electrical vehicle on expanded consequence. Until today had we us us expected that environmentalcareful material in next revision XJ British indication appears, but new report engine tendency gives this Ratan to felt, head Indian society, which possesses the Jaguar, place its weight behind new roadster of two-seat, which probable admits would be, because XE.If there is any truth to this rumors, which new XE uses Chevy Volt-als the electrical powertrain at capable expanded connecting consequence, which consists of an engine to petrol engine of small three-cylinder, which leads a generator, around the again-made batteries on board to maintain the full. The new XE beginning censément at the salon of the motor vehicle of Geneva in the year 2011 and production was decided after judgement of the success of others obviously the Greens of vehicles, which injured the market before the exhibition. Additionally to the model EV the XE would cover likewise the latter 5,0 litres of V8 of the Jaguar under standard and over-nourished appearance. [Source: Returned speculation of the engine tendency]: Jaguar, which works on the electrical roadster on expanded Xe-consequence? at the beginning appeared on the green from Autoblog Sat 13 June 2009 11:26: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Read  |  Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

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